blue bottle coffee myeongdong


Seoul, South Korea

2022. December

“With the motif of a "Blue House," the square blue box invites guests from the street to create a sensorial experience of freshly brewed coffee, altogether delivering a holistic brand experience.”


“'Jakyung' is a unique aesthetic found in Korean Traditional Architecture, which means that one can appreciate their house itself as scenery. ‘Ja’ means ‘self’ and ‘Kyung’ means ‘landscape’; it is one of the significant philosophies of Korean traditional architecture which aims to reach ultimate beauty through the unity of one’s internal & external entity. 

By adding these aesthetics, the space will be a destination where Blue Bottle’s philosophy exists while expressing our unique way of engaging with the local scene.“


“In light of offering this moment to pause, we wanted to convey our finding that brewing coffee is also a form of craft. To further highlight the coexistence of craft and art, we partnered with local artisans Deok-Ho Kim and In-hwa Lee to make a nameplate and logo signage using blue pigment.

Altogether, we hope that Blue Bottle Myeong-dong branch serves as a platform to showcase the multi-faceted giftings of Korean traditional arts and crafts.”